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    Team Members

    • Eva E. Aldrich, Ph.D., CAE, (CFRE, 2001-2016)
      President and CEO
    • Paul Cavazos
      Certification Manager
    • Tony Colarusso
      Operations and Governance Manager
    • Sara Duginkse
      Certification and Accreditation Director
    • Sara Espinosa
      Marketing and Communications Director
    • Christine Johnson
      Certification Coordinator
    • Jeff Stanger
      Education Resources Director

    American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


    United Negro College Fund


    TVNPA Logo

    Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


    Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


    BBB Wise Giving Alliance


    Korea Society of Philanthropy


    Habitat for Humanity Logo

    Habitat for Humanity




    Boy and Girls Clubs of America


    China – CAFP




    Brazil Fundraising Association


    European Fundraising Association


    Japan Fundraising Association


    North American YMCA Development Organization


    New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


    Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


    International Catholic Stewardship Council


    Fundraising Institute New Zealand


    Fundraising Institute Australia


    Association of Philanthropic Counsel


    Association of Fundraising Consultants


    Educate Plus


    The Giving Institute






